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Updated: Dec 17, 2020

It’s holiday time. And one of the best things about the holidays for me is all the fun treats, delicious food and traditional favorites on hand. Many of us can find it very challenging to routinely consume a well-balanced diet. And during the holiday time it’s especially challenging. Between Mama’s homemade pie, Auntie’s famous mac-n-cheese and the smorgasbord of holiday treats to choose from, the chance of making healthy choices during the holiday season seems doomed from the start.

However, we must be mindful of what we consume especially during the holidays when temptation is looming around every corner and a few bad meal choices can ruin months of hard work and sacrifice. With everything looking so tasty and inviting it can be difficult to resist trading months of sacrifice for a moment of pleasure.


What we consume does not only consist of our dietary intake but is also connected to anything we allow to enter into our physical and spiritual beings that affect us mentally and emotionally as well. What thoughts are you entertaining? Are your thoughts speaking life to you or are they depleting you of energy, self-worth and opportunity?

What habits are you creating? Are your habits pushing you closer to your goals or do they have you sitting on the sidelines watching opportunity pass you by?

Just like with the food we eat we have the choice of what thoughts, information, and habits we will partake of. What we consume fuels us from the inside out, and determines how we will operate. What we consume directly impacts our response to stress and the environment around us, so choose wisely!


Recently the Lord led me to read Matthew 4:1-11.

In the passage Jesus after fasting for 40 days was tested by satan in the wilderness. Satan tried to attack and mislead Jesus by being the dominant voice in His life. Although he was likely hungry in his natural body His spirit was full. Because Jesus had been fasting and was full of the Word of God he was able to respond appropriately to satan's attack. When tested by satan He did not allow himself to be tempted instead, He showed restraint in his choices and decided not to partake of what the devil was offering. Rather He made a clear declaration of who he had chosen to serve. So my question to you is...

Whom will you serve?

The test will come. But have you filled and equipped yourself with the necessary nutrients to respond appropriately? Or have you feasted on what looked good but was not necessarily good for you?

What I noticed about Jesus’ response to satan: “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”, is that He made a choice of whom he would serve. And in that choice He spoke forth what was on the inside of Him - His Father’s Word. And because He chose to give the voice of His Heavenly Father authority over His life Jesus could not be tempted by satan. He could not be misled from the path he had already chosen to follow. Jesus made a clear declaration of who’s voice was the ultimate authority in His life.

Whom will you serve?

Whose voice will you follow?

Just like Jesus showed restraint and chose not to receive the lies of Satan. You as well have a choice. Are you showing restraint in the things you take in? Or are you busy feasting on lies, untruths, misinformation and unfair expectations of the world and negative self-talk?

Whom will you serve? The lies of satan or the truth of God’s word?


Often we lack and fall short of our goals because we have not truly made God the voice of authority over our lives.

Have you been lacking the motivation to start the business?

Are you feeling struck in your current career?

Does it seem as if you cannot grow, flourish, or expand like you desire?

Are you lacking the "know how" to get things accomplished?

Feeling depleted of fresh new ideas?

What have you been consuming?

Are you believing the lie of I can’t, I'm not good enough, or I don’t have what it takes?

Maybe it’s time constraints and you feel you just don’t have the time to get "it" done.

Maybe even finances are an obstacle.

Whatever your hurdle is are you choosing to believe you cannot? Or do you believe the truth of God’s Word? Is the voice of God the ultimate authority in your life or are you allowing the voice of negativity to lead you astray?

When pursing your goals, you must make a clear declaration of who’s voice has the ultimate authority in your life, and what path you will take. Will you take the path that looks good but leads to nowhere or will you decide to push through the obstacles and the opposition, stand firm on God’s promises and allow Him to lead you.

Whom will you serve?



Meditate on Joshua 24:14-15.

Ask the Lord to reveal to you any areas of your life that you may not have allowed Him to be the voice of authority. Ask Him to lead you to surrender this area of your life over to Him.


Lord today I make you the ultimate voice of authority in my life.

God I ask you to give me the strength to persevere and the wisdom to make healthy choices.

Help me to consume life giving resources and not resources that deplete me.

Help me Lord to keep my eyes stayed on you.

Help me to focus my energy and effort on receiving your goodness, hearing your voice, and moving in obedience.

Open my eyes Lord to the things I may be consuming that are contrary to you.

Help me to let go of those things that may bring only a moment of pleasure but long term consequences.

For my body is my temple and I desire to treat it as such.

Lead me Lord and help me to be cautious of the things I consume and give me the strength to make healthy choices for a healthy mind, body and spirit.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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